Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Titanfall is a franchise that will be around for a "long time" EA says - GameSpot

Respawn Entertainment's upcoming online shooter Titanfall is still a month away from release, but publisher Electronic Arts is already talking about the game's future. Speaking today during the Stifel Technology, Media, & Entertainment Conference, EA CFO Blake Jorgensen said Titanfall is going to be a "have-to-own" game with great potential for sequels.

Titanfall is a "piece of IP that is now very different from anything you've ever seen. Very exciting gameplay," Jorgensen said, noting he saw the game just yesterday and was blown away by its performance.

Titanfall launches exclusively for Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC next month through a partnership with Microsoft. Jorgensen acknowledged today that this exclusive arrangement will no doubt "limit the size" of Titanfall, but teased that this year's game won't be the last in the series.

"As you can imagine, [Titanfall] will be a franchise that's around for a long, long time," Jorgensen said.

This isn't the first time EA or Respawn have discussed the future of the Titanfall franchise. In addition to mysterious DLC coming to the game, Respawn cofounder Vince Zampella explained last year that future installments in the franchise might come to Sony or Nintendo platforms.

Finally, Jorgensen reiterated today that he believes Titanfall will not suffer through the same launch woes that Battlefield 4 faced. He said that while Battlefield 4 is an "extremely complicated" product that launched for new and untested platforms (Xbox One and PS4), Titanfall developers have more experience with the Xbox One and the game only features 12-player battles, compared to matches of up to 64 in Battlefield 4.

If Titanfall does run into issues, however, Jorgensen said players can expect EA and Respawn to immediately address those problems. A beta for Titanfall is in the works and could be officially announced as early as later today.

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