Jerry Lai-USA TODAY Sports

Jerry Lai-USA TODAY Sports

A new very cool ranking of the 122 American major sports franchises from Bloomberg Businessweek lists each franchise according to its efficiency rating. The formula is based on the amount the franchise spent for each player on its payroll compared to each win in the past five seasons. Playoff wins and championships are given extra weight in the rankings.


According to the rankings, the Chicago Blackhawks are the most efficient with a payroll that averaged $58 million over the past five years (about $2 million over the league average) and produced an average of 44.6 regular season wins (compared to a league average 37.6) and an average 9.2 playoff wins.

The St. Louis Cardinals came in second and the Bruins rounded out the top three. Last in the rankings? The Chicago Cubs.

You can see the entire list at Bloomberg Businessweek.